Health Benefits of Jalapenos: Worth Adding To Your Diet
Jalapenos are spicy and delicious
Jalapenos are spicy and delicious. They contain capsaicin which is the element that makes you feel the heat in your mouth. Being spicy means they can be good for digestion and help stimulate appetite, which is one of the health benefits of jalapenos. It can also add flavor to dishes without needing a lot of other ingredients. A big part of the reason for this is because a lot of spices contain oil in them. This means that cooking with them will cook out some of their fat content. Jalapenos don’t have much oil naturally. For example, they are not as high calorie as some other recipes might contain more olive oil or butter. This keeps the dish healthy without sacrificing flavor.
The health benefits of jalapenos including weight loss
The health benefits of eating jalapenos include weight loss. The journal, “Nutrition and Metabolism” found that people who eat peppers including jalapeño have a higher metabolic rate than those who do not. Researchers also found that people who eat peppers including jalapeños have lower levels of fat on their waistline than those who don’t. Eating 1-2 jalapeños a day can help you lose up to 15 pounds every year!
The health benefits of jalapenos including their amazing antioxidant content. Antioxidants literally saturate our body cells with protection against free radicals which cause everything from diseases to aging skin.
They also found that a moth species known as the corn earworm has gone completely extinct in California, largely due to the introduction of peppers including jalapeños.
Along with all of this, the health benefits of eating jalapeños include fiber and potassium content. One small pepper contains nearly 40% of your daily intake of vitamin C, 76% of vitamin A; 13% folic acid, and 20% manganese.
The health benefits of eating jalapenos include their antibacterial properties that can kill stomach ulcers. To treat a cold or flu, add some chopped pepper to your food. Studies have shown that capsaicin can be effective against stomach ulcers, viruses, colon cancer, and even the H1N1 virus.
To get optimal health benefits from peppers including jalapeños, you should always choose the freshest and best quality ones. Jalapeños are usually harvested in August and September. Look for fresh-looking green peppers with firm flesh that feels heavy for its size. Select those that are free of wrinkles or cuts. Avoid extremely soft peppers as they may not have enough flavor.
Peppers including jalapenos can be stored at room temperature in a sealed plastic bag for up to one week. The longer you keep them, the more their flavor declines. And they lose texture and become very soft. If you have any leftovers, store them for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator tightly wrapped in plastic wrap.
Nowadays jalapeno peppers are available in almost any form-canned, fresh or dried. Fresh jalapeños are the least processed form of this vegetable. It’s best if you choose fresh peppers over any other forms.