When life gives you a lemon seed….grow unlimited lemons?
This helpful article will teach you about the amazing health benefits of lemons, and how you can grow your own unlimited supply inside of your house using the seed from just one lemon!
Lemon Health Benefits
Fresh-squeezed lemon juice in water has many medicinal values, as well as antioxidants for cleansing the body, stimulating the liver, and improving digestion and toxin elimination. Learn the Ten Major Health Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water Daily here.
How To Grow A Lemon Tree
What you need:
- Potting Soil
- Potting Container
- Grow Lights or Ample Sun
- Breathable Plastic Film
- 1 Store-Bought Lemon
- Dampen soil with water in a potting bucket
- Fill container with the moistened soil to an inch below rim
- Slice lemon and pick out a healthy seed
- Suck on the seed to remove flesh
- Do NOT let the seed dry out as it needs to be moist when planted
- Plant your seed about 1/2 inch beneath the soil
- Gently water area with a squirt bottle or with a watering can
- Cover your container with the breathable plastic to make sure that it stays warm and moist, and place it in a warm area.
- Observe for 1-2 weeks, keeping a close eye on the area where you planted the seed. When you notice it begin to sprout, remove the plastic cover
- Once the plant has sprouted move it to a warm area with ample direct sunlight
Caring For Your Plant:
- Make sure that your soil is moist at all times but DO NOT let the water build up. You can do this by making sure there is ample drainage.
- Be mindful that the plant needs at least eight hours of direct sunlight every day.
- Add fertilizer when needed.
- As your tree grows, you may need to transplant it to a larger container.
- If it gets too big for your home, relocate to your backyard, front porch or balcony.
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