Society generally frowns upon those that stay up all night, leave messes wherever they go, and have a tendency to litter their everyday speech with profanity.
But, maybe we should be embracing these folks as studies suggest that the aforementioned could be linked to having a high IQ.

Bad Language Is Commonly Used By The Clever
Many believe that individuals who swear have a “restricted vocabulary”, However, when evaluating the use of profanity analytically, it could be argued that those who curse are actually more intelligent as they intentionally getting their point across with the use of fewer words.
An American study once called upon participants to recall as many swear words as they could. The results indicated that those who could remember the most had the highest IQ ratings of the whole group. Furthermore, the public speaking abilities of these people were also much more developed than those who knew fewer swear words
Intelligent People Commonly Stay Up Late
If you do your best work at night and enjoy staying up late, this also could be a sign for intelligence. Scientific research has linked nocturnal tendencies with higher IQ scores for many years, with many of our most famous intellectuals being night owls. In fact, President Obama, Charles Darwin, Winston Churchill, and Keith Richards are all famously known for burning the midnight oil.
Falling into this category is both a blessing and a curse as you’ll do most of your best work while the world sleeps, but sleeping during daylight hours when the world is awake doesn’t bode well for day-to-day productivity.

Strong Correlation Between A Messy Desk And Intellect
According to results of a study from the University of Minnesota, being “messy” might not be as bad as we previously thought.
In fact, the study found that the chaos on someone’s work desk doesn’t indicate that they’re a messy person, but rather, that their brain is focused on what really matters rather than something as menial as straightening papers. We all know that when our brains become bored we tend to find petty activities to occupy our mind. But, when our brains are active and firing on all cylinders, we couldn’t care less about the mess we leave in our wake. We’re working here!
If any of the aforementioned applies to you, perhaps you’re just operating on a different wavelength than the rest? Food for thought. Or at least, a nice conversation starter.
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