Longer days, warmer weather, time outdoors…..and……ticks?!
That’s right, ticks.
Although most commonly found in wooded areas, ticks can be found pretty anywhere because they are carried by the birds and other animals they feed on. So, if you are somebody that tends to spend a lot of time outdoors, you need to be able to effectively protect yourself from the potentially dangerous (and icky) external parasites .
It’s important to educate yourself on the dangers associated with ticks as they’re more than just a nuisance. They carry diseases – some of which are very threatening to your health – and in rare cases, deadly. The next time you’re out enjoying what the great outdoors has to offer, try this simple trick and your potential tick crisis can be averted.
Essential Oil & Lint Roller
You’ll need a lint roller with adhesive layers and Essential Oils.
Bring the lint roller with you when you go outdoors, and take care to “roll” yourself frequently. As an added precaution, spray essential oil on your clothing and rub it in your skin to keep the ticks from climbing on you while you are outside. **It also works for mosquitoes and flies.
Here are 4 essential oil options:
- Lavender – effective for repelling mosquitoes, flies and other insects.
- PennyRoyal – hailing from the mint family, this is toxic to insects.
- Lemongrass – this essential oil comes from tropical lemongrass and has a citrusy sent. It is a natural flea and tick repellent and can be sprayed directly on the skin.
- Eucalyptus – according to the Journal of medical entomology, Eucalyptus extract can reduce tick bites and infections.
- Lemon – can work against fleas and other bugs. Slightly dilute it and spray it on your clothing and skin.
This time-tested trick is a good alternative to insect repellent and reduces your chemical exposure.
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