Avocados have become one of the newest staples of healthy eating due in large part to their amazing nutritional value – and maybe a teeny tiny bit due to its 15 minutes of superfood fame.
But, thankfully, this amazing fruit can live up to the hype.
Avocados are packed with essential vitamins, such as potassium, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E – the list literally goes on. They are also a great source of fiber and have even been linked to share a similar fatty acid found in olive oil known to be “heart healthy”.
This superfood has continued to rise in popularity thanks to its versatility in the kitchen. Avocados can be easily incorporated into any dish for a splash of color or as a substitute for less-healthy choices without losing any of its flavor.
The rise in avocado popularity also means two things economically. Supply has gone down, so prices have gone up. Booooo!
But, don’t worry. You can still enjoy your favorite superfood without breaking the bank by growing your own avocado tree at home in just a few easy steps. Here’s how….
- Sprout The Avocado Seed
After thoroughly cleaning an avocado seed, carefully stick 4 toothpicks into the seed, each at equal distance and about halfway down from the top. The toothpicks will be helping suspend your seed, so you’ll want to make sure they’re nice and even. Once you have your toothpicks in place, set your seed into a cup of water, using the toothpicks to keep your seed soaking in an inch of water, with the dimpled end facing down.
Keep your seed somewhere warm and away from direct sunlight. Let it soak for about 2 to 6 weeks, or until you begin to see roots and a stem sprout.
Once the stem has reached 6 inches long from your seed, cut it back to about 3 inches. Wait for more leaves to grow and the roots to thicken.
- Plant
Locate a large pot, about 10 inches in diameter, and fill it with a nutrient-rich soil. Make a small hole in the center of the soil and plant the seed with its the roots at the bottom and half of the seed still exposed.
You should water your avocado seed regularly and generously, taking care to keep your soil moist without over-saturation. If you notice that the leaves have begun to turn yellow or droop, give your avocado seed some time to dry out and resume watering with a smaller amount. If you notice that that the leaves have begun to turn brown and dry, you might not be watering your plant enough. Set the pot in your sink and gently run water through it for a few moments, taking care to fully drain your plant.
- Enjoy
Regularly water your indoor avocado tree and you’ll see avocado fruits forming in no time!
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