Stomach bloat is very common and can stem from an array of underlying issues. We’ve outlined the main causes for stomach bloat below, along with small actions you can take to remedy the problem and find relief.
What causes your belly to bloat?
Insufficient water intake
When the body lacks water, it uses the liquids from its tissues and can cause the belly to bloat due to water retention. If you’re experiencing stomach bloat, you may find relief by drinking the recommended daily water intake of 6-8 glasses a day.
Chronic stress
Stress is one of the most unsuspecting causes of bloating. When the digestive system is under stress it fails to function properly. You may find relief from relaxation techniques such as meditation.
Eating too fast
Partially chewed food is slowly digested and causes you to bloat. Take small bites, and chew well before swallowing. Your digestive system will reward you nicely.
Constipation is unpleasant, and most commonly a sign of dehydration and fiber deficiency. If you’re suffering from constipation, you may find relief by adding a fibre supplement to your diet, along with whole grain bread, smoothies, and berries.
Excessive carb consumption can lead to bloating. If you think this may be your issue, trying eating a low carb diet consisting of fruits and veggies for a few days. You’ll be surprised at how quickly your body responds.
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