Passing gas is normal. Everyone does it. No mammal is exempt.
Yet, despite this fact, most of us are still uncomfortable with the gaseous byproducts that accompany digestion. Sometimes, the root of that discomfort comes from holding in a much-needed burp, other times it’s in the form of irritation at the onset of poorly timed hiccups during a speech…lastly, there’s the godfather of all discomfort. The crippling embarrassment that accompanies an unexpected audible fart in a room full of people.
It’s. The. Worst.
You know that everyone does it.
But…when it unceremoniously happens to you, the embarrassment is no less intense than if you’d just let out the first squeaker in history. Your flatulence is the first flatulence to have ever escaped the torso. And worse yet, it hovers around for awhile just to make sure you’re fully mortified.
So, how do we remove the stigma and discomfort often associated with passing gas? Talk about it!
Here are some fart facts that you may be surprised to learn:
- Men fart more than women.
- Farts are made up of hydrogen sulfide that reduces mitochondrial damage. Smelling farts can be healthy, thus next time you fart take a nice deep breath and thank the person.
- The original meaning of fart if forth as wind from the anus. This word was coined in 1962.
- This is not something to be embarrassed about as it means that you are healthy. A healthy digestive tract produces farts. If you are not farting at all go to the doctor.
- Most of the farting happens at night when we sleep.
- Female farts tend to be stinkier as females have a higher concentration of hydrogen sulfide and are healthier to smell than that of a male.
- An average person farts around 14 times a day.
- Those 14 farts a day are enough to fill up a balloon.
- If you have very tight sphincter you will produce louder farts as they have a smaller tighter area to squeeze out from.
- Termites are animals which produce the most fart. Followed by cows, camels, zebras, sheep, elephants, and dogs.
- Farting in front of your partner is healthy!
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