Coffee drinkers rejoice!
Science has confirmed what you’ve long suspected. There are several health benefits that come from your habit of binge drinking coffee.
Researchers at the Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed (IRCCS) in Pozzilli, Italy, have confirmed that drinking three espressos a day can drastically decrease the likelihood of developing cancer, lowering your risk of prostate cancer by up to 53 percent.
Prostate cancer is the third-leading cause of death in men, with about one in every six being diagnosed with the disease during his lifetime.
For the study, scientists followed 7,000 men residing in the central region of Molise region for four years and analyzed their coffee consumption habits.
Researchers then compared the results to the prostate cancer occurrences and found a 53% net reduction of risk in those who drank three or more cups a day compared to drinking zero to two cups a day.
In order to determine the ingredient responsible for the change, scientists examined both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee. They determined the caffeinated extracts significantly reduced cancer cells proliferation, as well as their ability to metastasize. An effect that largely disappeared with decaf.
“The observations on cancer cells allow us to say that the beneficial effect observed among the 7,000 participants is most likely due to caffeine, rather than to the many other substances contained in coffee,” said Maria Benedetta Donati, head of the Laboratory of Translational Medicine.
Her colleague, Licia Iacoviello, head of the Molecular and Nutritional Epidemiology Laboratory, cautioned the region that the study took place may have affected the outcome.
“We should keep in mind at the study is conducted on a central Italy population, she said. They prepare coffee rigorously Italian way: high pressure, very high water temperature and with no filters. This method, different from those followed in other areas of the world, could lead to a higher concentration of bioactive substances. It will be very interesting, now, to explore this aspect.”
Past research has shown espresso has a multitude of benefits – and the consumption of coffee as a beverage, prepared in all types of ways, has been associated with reduction in the risk of diseases, suicide and depression
A 2014 study from the University of California found that drinking two espressos a day enhanced the process of memory consolidation. This process, in turn, improved long-term memory among the participants.
Espresso was also shown to improve exercise performance. A study published in the Medicine and Science in Sports Journal found that caffeine made workouts appear less strenuous, by lowering the perceived level of exertion by over five percent.
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