Do you suffer from gas and bloating? If so, you’re not alone. Gas and bloating are two of the most common digestive issues. Luckily, a few pressure points can help relieve gas and bloating. Learn about the most critical gas and bloating relief pressure points through this article. You can also apply any 3 pressure points to debloat based from philosophical and clinical roots.
To activate the pressure points, perform the following actions:
- Apply firm pressure with your thumb, index, and middle fingers. These fingers often provide the most leverage for exerting pressure.
- Give each spot 5 seconds of pressure while taking deep, steady breaths.
- Spend 2 minutes gently massaging in a steady, circular motion.
- Continue the cycle all day long if you’re still uncomfortable.
Important Acupressure Points for Gas and Bloating
1. Stomach Points
Location: They are located on the middle lines of the body, the first one is just above the navel (Center of Energy), and the other one is a few centimeters below it (Sea of Energy).
To treat gas issues, you should press these points on the stomach. This will reduce abdominal pain and contraction, soothe heartburn, reduce emotional stress, and relieve lower back pain. You can also use this treatment regularly for the best results to relieve symptoms.
2. Lower Back Points
Location: The acupressure points for gas on the lower back are four, located around the waistline and on the lower body side. They are also known as the Sea of Vitality.
Laying on your stomach, you can press these points to relieve abdominal pain and gas. However, if you have a weak back, avoid this exercise of acupressure for gas release because it could worsen the condition. Make sure you have any chronic pain related to your back checked out by a physician, as it could be a sign of bigger problems.
3. Hand Points
Location: They can be found inside the wrists and are also known as Inner Gate Point.
Apply pressure on these points to relieve nausea and pain in the stomach, improve digestion and promote digestive health. Your gastrointestinal symptoms will disappear if you find and apply firm pressure to these spots.
4. Leg Three Miles
Location: These points are known as Zu San Li, or ‘leg three miles,’ referring to the power of these points to provide energy for a 3-mile walk. To locate this point, you should bend the leg and place four fingers below your kneecap. Start with the index finger at the base of your knee cap while keeping the other three fingers under it. The point is located on the outer side of the shin bone in the small crevice between the little finger and foot just before the joint line.
The pressure of this point will provide you with high levels of energy, relieve gas bloating and nausea, and improve digestion. It also strengthens your immune system to fight against other digestive disorders like stomach pain, constipation or diarrhea!
5. Points On Feet
Location: There are two essential shiatsu acupressure points for gas on the feet. Cross the ankle over the knee, and find them with the thumb. One is on the top of the arch, a finger’s width away from the foot’s ball, and the other is where the second and big toe bones meet on the foot’s top.
Press the first point for a minute to calm your stomach, reduce gas and bloat, and stimulate circulation. You can press the other one, too, if you are feeling extra bloated. It is important to relieve trapped gas so that your abdominal organs can relax and function normally again. Relieving gas will be the biggest step to eliminating stomach pain entirely. Each pressure point location will have a different affect, so apply gentle pressure at each spot until you find the key!
6. Three Yin Crossing
Location: You can find this point around 3- finger-widths above the bone of the inner ankle.
Press this point to treat all lower abdominal organs and lower abdomen issues- including colitis, flatulence, and abdominal distention.
Benefits of pressure points for gas and bloating relief
- Reducing abdominal contraction: Applying pressure to the stomach points can help to reduce abdominal contraction and soothe heartburn.
- Reducing emotional stress: The pressure points on the lower back are known as the Sea of Vitality. Laying on your stomach and pressing these points can help to reduce emotional stress.
- Relieving lower back pain: Following acupressure points can also help relieve lower back pain, reduce anxiety and open your energy pathways. Just be careful with these exercises if you have general spine weakness, as this could lead to more back problems. When in question, see a doctor when it comes to back pain.
- Improving digestion: The pressure points on the hands are known as Inner Gate Points. Applying pressure to these points can help to improve digestion.
- Increasing energy levels: The pressure point on the inner side of your leg, known as Zu San Li, can help to increase energy levels. Chinese medicine strongly suggests that locating this pressure point – and if you subsequently apply gentle pressure to this area – can get rid of your tired or laggy feelings and help rejuvenate you. Still sleepy? Don’t forget your other leg. Use your index fingers to find the point and use that circular motion to apply pressue.
- Reducing gas and bloating: Pressure points on the feet can help reduce gas and bloating. Any digestive conditions you suffer from can often be relieved by using two to three fingers and pressing in a circular motion. Pressing these points can also help to stimulate circulation.
How often should I stimulate pressure points for gas relief?
You can stimulate pressure points for gas relief as often as needed. Some people find comfort after a single session, while others may need to enable the issues several times a day. Depending on the severity of your gastrointestinal disorders, you may find you benefit from multiple times a day. It also helps to avoid fried foods and eating smaller meals doesn’t hurt either.
Are there downsides to acupressure points for gas and bloating?
- Pressure points may not work for everyone.
- You may need to stimulate the pressure points multiple times before feeling relief.
- If you have a weak back, avoid pressure points on the lower back, as they may cause pain.
- Avoid pressure points on the feet if pregnant, as they may stimulate labor.
- If you have a medical condition, check with your doctor before using pressure points for gas and bloating relief.
Do Acupressure Points for Gas and Bloating Work?
Yes, acupressure applied to several pressure spots on the body may aid in reducing gas and bloating symptoms. In addition, they may ease discomfort and stomach aches, which was proven by one study.
What are the Other Home Remedies to Relieve Gas and Bloating?
- Eating slowly and chewing food thoroughly. This helps to avoid swallowing air, which can lead to gas and bloating.
- Consume foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Food moves more quickly through your digestive system with the aid of fiber. As a result, you’ll feel less bloated. It encourages regularity.
- Avoiding trigger foods. Common trigger foods include dairy, gluten, onions, garlic, and beans. Avoiding these foods can help to reduce gas and bloat.
- Exercising helps to move gas through the digestive system and relieve pressure on the stomach.
- Yoga poses, such as the child’s pose, can help to relieve pressure on the stomach and ease gas and bloat.
- Drinking plenty of fluids. This helps to keep the digestive system moving and prevents constipation, which can lead to gas and bloating.
- Taking a probiotic. Probiotics help promote healthy gut flora, reducing gas and bloat.
- Using essential oils. Essential oils such as peppermint and ginger oil can help relieve gas and bloating.
- If home remedies aren’t doing the job, there are a variety of over the counter medicine options to help those with acid reflux or sensitive stomachs. If your digestive problems persist, it is imperative you see a doctor, as digestive issues could be a sign of larger problems.
10 Pressure Points for Stomachache
People with gas, bloating, and other gastrointestinal issues often experience stomach discomfort. One of the most effective treatments for this pain is acupressure therapy.
Use the same procedures as before to apply pressure to the pressure points for gas and bloating. Massage them slowly in a circular manner to relieve stomachaches.
One of the most critical pressure sites for many gastrointestinal problems is known in Chinese medicine as the Stomach 25 point, or Stomach meridian. The point is located on the same horizontal level, two finger widths to the left and right of the umbilicus (belly button). Stomach ache, abdominal distension, borborygmus (stomach grumbling), navel discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, and dysentery may all be relieved by stimulating the ST 25 points. It may also ease the pain and irregularity of menstruation.
The CV 12 acupressure point was also mentioned for bloating and gas relief. Applying pressure and giving yourself a little massage can relieve your stomachache.
You can find the Spleen meridian or Spleen 15 acupressure points (umbilicus) near the right and left sides of the belly button. Each of them is four finger widths apart. Applying pressure to these spots can relieve stomachaches, other abdominal discomfort and distension, constipation, and diarrhea.
The Liver 3 pressure points are in the intervals between your big toe and second toe, about two finger widths down on the top of your feet. Massaging these spots will help with headaches, eye pain, abdominal distension, nausea, and any weakness and pain in your legs.
Your small of the back is home to the Bladder meridian or Bladder 23 pressure points. It is two finger widths on each side of your spine and is at the same horizontal level as your belly button. I often find that using your thumb or knuckles to provide pressure and massage is easier. These points may be stimulated to relieve lower back discomfort, muscular stiffness, and stomachaches.
Two finger widths apart from the pressure points on Bladder 23 are the Bladder 47. In other words, the B 47 points are at the same level as your belly button and four finger widths from your spine. Pressure and massage to this area may ease lower back pain, stiffness, and stomach discomfort.
Similar to above, the Conception Vessel Meridian or CV 6 pressure point for gas and bloating. The gastrointestinal problems that cause stomach aches and pains may also be relieved by stimulating this conception vessel spot.
On the outside of the elbow is where the Large Intestine 11 is situated. The LI 11 pressure point is where the outer elbow crease ends while your arm is bent. Stimulating this region will aid stomachaches and other abdominal problems. Moreover, it may help decrease high fevers, headaches, vomiting, dizziness, and diarrhea.
On the inside of your forearm and wrist, three finger widths from the wrist crease is the Pericardium 6 pressure point. Stomach aches and indigestion brought on by various gastrointestinal diseases may be relieved by stimulating this pressure point. Additionally, it may aid in mental relaxation to lessen nausea, sleeplessness, and anxiety.
Acupressure point Large Intestine 4 is located between your thumb and index finger. When these two fingers are brought together, the bump that forms between them is the pressure point. This pressure point is well-known for easing neck discomfort, headaches, and anxiety. This advantage also aids in relieving stomachaches and constipation. However, this is not a spot to stimulate if you are pregnant since it might trigger labor.
Located in the dorsal compartment of the leg, approximately four finger width above your ankle, can also help reduce anxiety and pain in addition to relieving digestive problems.
When to See a Doctor
Consult your doctor if you have persistent gas, bloating, or stomach discomfort that doesn’t go away after a few days. They can conduct tests to discover whether an underlying problem is present. They could suggest medication or other treatments if they find a problem.
Final Thoughts
Many pressure points can be used to relieve gas and bloating. The most important ones are described above. However, you should consult your doctor if you have persistent gas, bloating, or stomach discomfort. They can help determine whether an underlying problem is present and suggest treatments. It is also important not to do these exercise by yourself if you are not familiar about energy point location and qi acupressure point to avoid any grave consequences.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are pressure points?
Pressure points are sensitive areas of the body that correspond to different parts of the internal organs. Stimulating these points can help relieve pain or pressure in the corresponding organs and get rid of excess gas. Gastric pain is the number one cause of your stomach hurting, so pressure points are the key to being pain-free. Traditional Chinese medicine suggests nearly all your pain problems can be solved by targeting these points.
How do I find pressure points for gas relief?
There are a few pressure points that are traditionally used for gas relief. Though there are many points for gas bloating relief, the most important pressure points for this are on the stomach, large intestine, and spleen meridians. You can eliminate a large number of digestive problems simply by applying pressure in these areas.
How do I stimulate pressure points for gas relief?
You can stimulate pressure points by pressing them with two fingers or using a massager. Be sure to apply pressure slowly and evenly until you feel pressure or a tingling sensation.
What other methods can I use to relieve gas and bloating?
In addition to pressure point stimulation, you can also try dietary changes, probiotics, and herbal supplements to help relieve gas and bloating.
Why is gas trapped in my stomach?
The main reason for gas in your stomach is often poor meal and beverage digestion. Lack of specific digestive enzymes and healthy gut flora are the root causes of improper digestion. Another factor contributing to swallowing air is consuming food and liquids too quickly (aerophagia). Smoking and chewing gum may also induce aerophagia, which keeps the air that has been eaten in the stomach.