Activated Charcoal Can Be Used To Detoxify Toxins, Poisons And Mold Buildup In Your Body
The most popular use for activated charcoal is as a natural remedy to help eliminate toxins and chemicals in our bodies. It’s also helpful with high cholesterol, bloating gas issues during pregnancy, or hangovers from alcohol consumption; among other conditions like a drug overdose.
Activated charcoal is a powerful, versatile natural treatment that can trap toxins and chemicals in the body to help their elimination. It has been used as an ingredient for medication because of its ability to absorb large amounts – up close with no smell or taste. This makes it perfect when you need something quick but also highly effective at what it does best: eliminating substances from our system quickly without drawing attention away from other healthy living habits we may have established already such things as diet & exercise.

Black charcoal texture abstract surface background. Top view
The millions of tiny pores on activated charcoal trap chemicals and toxins, but do not absorb them. Instead, it works through the chemical process called adsorption where elements bind to a surface with an electric charge that causes positively charged substances like gas or liquid bonds more strongly than negative charges from within our body walls. Water is the key to flushing out toxins, so it’s important that you drink about 12-16 glasses of water per day when taking this supplement internally.
Here are 10 of the numerous uses of activated charcoal
Gas and Bloating
This powerful natural remedy effectively treats gas and bloating by binding the gas-causing byproducts in foods that cause discomfort. To prevent these issues, you should take 500 milligrams an hour before a typical meal with plenty of water to wash it down.
Digestive Cleanse
Activated charcoal is a powerful tool for detoxifying the body and supporting healthy digestion. It can also prevent allergic reactions, oxidative damage to cells in our bodies (including immune system function), as well poor joint pain because of how it boosts energy levels throughout each day. Drink 10 grams 90 minutes prior to each meal over two days completion will help with this cleanse; don’t forget water though.
Alcohol Poisoning And Hangovers
It eliminates toxins that contribute to alcohol poisoning and relieves the symptoms of hangovers.
Skin And Body Health
Activated Charcoal can also be used topically, and it is effective in fighting body odor. It helps with acne too! Just mix one capsule of activated charcoal to ½ tablespoon coconut oil for an awesome face mask that will clear up your pores within minutes – perfect before going out on those hot summer days when you need something quick but effective (and natural).
For snakes and spiders bite, apply coconut oil with activated charcoal. This is a great way to remove acne from your face too. Mix one capsule of the black powder in 2 teaspoons aloe Vera gel for an easy scrub that will cleanse pores without leaving any harsh chemicals behind on skin – just make sure you wash it off when finished using because these treatments can take hours before drying fully into clothing or furniture if not rinsed thoroughly enough first.
Our bodies are constantly under attack from toxins and other environmental elements. Fortunately, activated charcoal can be used as a defense against these aggressors by protecting the kidneys or liver (or both!) It also ensures that we maintain healthy adrenal glands which help regulate blood sugar levels. Take 2 capsules daily after being exposed to heavy metals or any type of harmful substance for best results.
High Cholesterol
Researchers have found that activated charcoal is as effective at lowering bad cholesterol levels and raising good ones like prescription medications, but you should wait 90 minutes to two hours before taking it in addition.
Teeth Whitening
Activated charcoal is a natural teeth whitener and oral health remedy. It changes the pH balance in your mouth, treats gum diseases, fights bad breath while preventing cavities. Just wet an ordinary toothbrush with activated-charcoal powder to get these benefits for yourself today – no need to purchase anything extra at all because this simple step will do everything you need to be done right out of their own accord (and without costing too much).
Emergency Toxin Removal
It is a life-saving drug that can be used in the case of accidental, or purposeful OD on many pharmaceutical drugs and over-the-counter medications including aspirin; opium; cocaine morphine, etc., which have been known to cause respiratory depression.
Yet, the effects of this drug last only an hour. It’s useful in cases where you have food poisoning and nausea or diarrhea are present; adults should take 25 grams at first signs if they want their symptoms relieved quickly while children require 10g doses for proper treatment duration but only on day 1 since otherwise there will be no way to know when these diseases clear up without making another appointment with your doctor.
Mold Cleansing
Toxic mold is a serious and dangerous issue in the home. It can lead to kidney failure, liver disease (including cirrhosis), heart problems such as arrhythmia or hypertension; eye irritation with blurred vision that may cause permanent loss of eyesight if left untreated for too long-depression, headaches including migraines among other symptoms like irritability mood swings. The immune system might also become impaired over time due to depression levels which then leads to more severe respiratory distress.
Water Filtration
Activated charcoal is a powerful adsorption agent that can trap impurities in water such as solvents, pesticides, and industrial waste. Some studies even suggest it will eliminate some fluoride from your drinking supply. You may purchase an activated-charcoal filter for whole-home systems or countertop models to get 8-10 glasses per day of pure clean H2O without having any negative side effects on health because these types come with anti-bacterial properties built into them too.
You can’t be prepared for every situation. But, with activated charcoal in your first aid kit at home and work, you will have the perfect Fix-It solution when things go wrong. Note that you might need to consult your doctor before using it if you suffer from medical conditions like intestinal bleeding or blockages, holes in the intestines, chronic dehydration, and slow digestion. If this is a new product for recreational use and/or with no history of taking prescription medications then there’s unlikely any adverse interactions but do let them know about anything else supplements. Additionally, it can cause constipation and black stools in some people but these issues should not worry you.
Remember, activated charcoal is not meant to be used long-term. You should take it at least two hours away from your medicines or supplements and if you have taken a lot of toxins in order for them all the get rid of quicker but don’t worry because this will only last about 3 days max.